Wilbur Bolton Attorney at Law
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THE LAW FIRM in Aberdeen, Maryland

If you are looking for legal assistance to provide you with focused and personalized representation, you should contact Wilbur W. "Bill" Bolton, III, and Andrew T. Chabalowski, the attorneys at Wilbur W. Bolton, P.A. — THE LAW FIRM in Aberdeen, Maryland!

Andrew Chabalowski Attorney at Law

Bill Bolton and Andy Chabalowski take the time to get to know you and to learn everything that will help effectively represent you. From start to finish, you work directly with Bill or Andy not with legal assistants or secretaries. That's how YOU get the best results the results YOU need and deserve!

So don't delay. No matter what your situation, you have rights, and you need excellent, experienced legal help to preserve them, and you.

For BANKRUPTCY, TRAFFIC AND AUTOMOTIVE VIOLATIONS (including DUI/DWI), CRIMINAL CHARGES, FAMILY ISSUES (including divorce, custody, child support, parental and grandparental rights, restraining orders, visitation and mediation), and PERSONAL INJURY, contact us today!

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