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Bad Things Happen to Good People. That's Why You Need Bill Bolton and Andy Chabalowski!

Wilbur Bolton Attorney at Law

At our practice, you'll never be passed to a "legal assistant" or "para‐anything": you talk to Bill Bolton or Andy Chabalowski, the actual attorneys who handle your case. Bill and Andy are confidential, compassionate, experienced and expert in bringing you the help you need.

Our convenient offices, right in downtown Aberdeen, are easy to get to. Our office hours are flexible. And ‐ best of all ‐ we actually look forward to seeing you. We want to help people, and we're very, very good at doing so.

So —

Are you in serious financial trouble?

Are you being threatened by an exspouse?

Did you get pulled over and fail a breathalyzer test?

Andrew Chabalowski Attorney at Law

Are you being harassed by bill collectors, foreclosure letters, wage garnishment or repossession threats?

Were you injured by someone else's carelessness and now you don't know what to do?

No matter how bad things seem, YOU HAVE RIGHTS, and you should have hope. We understand how stressful these times can be for you, and we know how to alleviate that stress. Even if you are in the most severe trouble, we have solutions.

Call today and set up an appointment with us things can get better, and fast!

© 2015-2019, Wilbur W. Bolton, III. All rights reserved. Send an e-mail to Bill Bolton Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use.